camping takes the challenge!
Camping EVEN BETTER than most summers? What was this young
camper referring to? This story begins with Carrie Schroyer,
director of Chalk Hills Camp, ...
with panache - Holiday Gifts Galore
Possibly more people would take up camping if it didn't mean
giving up so many creature comforts. Well, those who offer this
excuse may find their ...
day blues: coping with camper homesickness
The bus arrives. The campers race off to their cabins. Except
Sam. The camp director had warned during orientation that his
parents thought he might ...
trip: think motor homes are only for retirees and outdoor types?
When I was 8, a friend of my stepfather offered to lend us a
recreational vehicle for a road trip to Florida...
Ra blin' After our boys got bigger, we decided that we neeced a
pantry more than we needed a shower/tub in our trailer. When
they were little, we used ...
to learn and serve - American campground association
Interested in keeping up to date on current best practices in
camping and expanding your knowledge of camp operations
different from your own? Do you ...
camping - Travel
Many of us are still in the gloom of winter, but spring is
coming, and it is a great time to start planning that family
camping trip! Not only is camping ... |